It wasn't long ago we celebrated the 75th anniversary of Wonder Woman with a special episode. And now, finally, the first female led superhero movie is out, and here's our review.
It wasn't long ago we celebrated the 75th anniversary of Wonder Woman with a special episode. And now, finally, the first female led superhero movie is out, and here's our review.
Tony Asaro, Patrick Clarke, and Erminia "Minnie" Saucedo celebrate all things Diana of Themyscira in honor of her 75th anniversary, and as an extra-special bonus, we hear remotely from a host of special guests, including:
They share what Wonder Woman means to them.
No Picks & Pulls of The Week this time around for this titan-sized episode, but, rest assured, it is overflowing with the most heartfelt and genuine of praise for our princess of the Amazons!
Jake DeSersa of Con Nachos Podcast and Kris Saldana of Wee Little Monsters join Ben to talk about comic book movies -- Guardians of the Galaxy, Wonder Woman, the original Batman movie franchise, and more. Finally, at the end, the share what they're reading in comics.